Linienblitz - the optimal tennis-court line sweeper
The tennis line sweeper LINIENBLITZ has been produced by us since 1976 and is distributed now by many well-known merchants
of tennis court equipment all over the world (e.g. Germany, Benelux, Austria, Switzerland, Danmark, Sweden, Norway, the USA).
The line sweeper is made of synthetic material and therefore absolutly weatherproof.
The application of the LINIENBLITZ is equaly easy to adults and children as its handle allows every position wanted. It always works precisely and quickly – LINIENBLITZ means as fast as lightning goes – .
The line sweeper is provided with leaves of synthetic material instead of brushes. This will avoid grooves on the sides of the lines.
In addition, synthetic leaves are better then brushes on humid courts.
Our LINIENBLITZ has high durability but can be repaired by simple exchange of some parts – if necessary after years of wear and tear.
It only needs little maintenance. Removing ash or granules by a hand brush or a water hose will be sufficient. Due to its solid production quality in general and to its dustsealed bearings in particular, a minimum of maintenance as described before, keeps LINIENBLITZ ready for use.
Because of the plus points of this carefully developed machine: long durability, coastsaving repair after years – many Clubs and Commercial Tennis Centers have given preference to LINIENBLITZ up to now.
If you want we would like to give you the addresses of specialist shops or stores in Germany or other countries as mentioned before.
Please note that the inscription: “LINIENBLITZ T. SCHWARZWÄLDER, made in Germany” on the inner side of the green bow of the machine is copyrighted.